About GMAT
Higher GMAT Scores, Higher Chance of Admission
GMAT is a globally standardised test to gauge the ability of applicants for management studies
GMAT is a test for logical thinking, no matter what type of questions, you need to think logically for the answers
GMAT have four parts - Analytical Writing (AW), Integrated Reasoning (IR), Quant, and Verbal
But only Quant and Verbal will be counted into the total score, which is 800 max
In general, your GMAT scores roughly represent your chance of getting admitted into a business school
Different B-schools have different average GMAT scores, which represent the difficulty levels of admission
Top 20 US B-schools have average scores above 700
Top EU B-schools have average scores around 700
Top APAC B-schools have average scores around 650-670
As such, the higher your scores, the higher your chance of getting admitted into top B-schools
Actually, GMAT has nothing to do with a person's IQ, but with time to practice
Yes, in GMAT, the traditional wisdom "Practice Makes Perfect" always works, so you have to pay efforts
However, many people find GMAT very puzzling and practice time consuming, and somewhat frustrating too
No worries, we have developed the QNV Model to equip you with the hard and soft skills of cracking GMAT
Not only will you score higher, you can also spare lots of time for preparing your application essays and other work
GMATology, a word coined by QNV, refers to QNV's methodology on GMAT prep
The primary framework of of GMATology can be represented by the following model
Hard Skills
Soft Skills
To score high in GMAT, input of hard and soft skills from both You and QNV is essential
Hard skills are related to your hands-on know-how and know-what
Soft skills are related to your emotional and mental state
From You, you need to keep regular practice and learn from mistakes
From QNV, you will get cracking techniques and learn to manage your emotion
Most people pay less attention to the soft skills, but they are equally important with the hard skills
GMATology Explanation
The combination of hard and soft skills to get high GMAT scores
Use "Diagnostic" Cracking
Identify the question type
Apply the GMAT rules
Avoid common pitfalls
Strategize your performance in the real test
Never Give Up
Get prepared for roller-coastering scores for a period of time despite continuous practice
You are not alone during your frustration, know the failure stories of others
Learn in an open, interesting, and interactive environment
Get the sense of satisfaction from your progress
Practice Makes Perfect
Start practice at least six months before the exam. If possible, nine months
Practice around 10 questions a day, better in the same question type
After four-month of continuous practice, you may reach a breakthrough
After the breakthrough, you will see you scores jump remarkably
Learn from Mistakes
Keep a systematic error log and review the log from time to time
Identify your weakest link and increase practice on this link
Don’t be discouraged by the mistakes you made, even if you made the same ones twice
Know your learning curve that your efforts will not be paid off in short time
Some GMAT Cracking Techniques
Problem Solving
Train your calculations on pencil
Familiar with common formulae
Use substitution with numbers from the choices
Pick a few meaningful numbers to test the question
Data Sufficiency
Use DS decision tree
No need to work out the numbers
Be careful of a pitfall in “closed-end” questions
Use substitution with some “useful” numbers
Sentence Correction
Look for keywords that reflect the question type
Compare the five choices to spot the first difference
Remember the Trivium Rule - Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric
Familiarize with GMAT’s “grammar rules” and “idiom list”
Don’t change the meaning of the original sentence
Shorter answers often win, if grammatically correct
Critical Reasoning
Read the question first, identify the question type, and think of the answer type
“Weakening” – Look for “Counter evidence” or “Alternative explanation”
“Strengthening” – Look for “Support evidence” or “Supplementary evidence”
“Assumption” – Look for “Missing link”
Identify “Irrelevant information”
Don’t make over inference
Reading Comprehension
Read the first question first
Skim through the passage once quickly to roughly understand what each paragraph talks about
Look at the question again
Read the relevant part in detail
Correct answers rarely contain absolute words such as “all”, “always”, “never”, “impossible” etc.
GMAT Cracking Examples
Problem Solving 1
Data Sufficiency 1
Problem Solving 2
Data Sufficiency 2
Sentence Correction 1
Critical Reasoning 1
Sentence Correction 2
Critical Reasoning 2
Some GMAT Prep Tactics
Before the Exam
Sharpen your skills in using the method of elimination
Try at least 10 questions of the same type everyday
Review your error log often, extremely important
For Asians with quant backgrounds, try best to score ≧50 in Quant
Your goal is not to score 800 but as high as possible, so practice popular question types more
During the Exam
Answer the first ten questions as correctly as possible
Don’t leave any questions unanswered, or your score will be severely penalized
Always read through all five choices before confirming your answer
Don’t spend more than 2 min just on understanding a question
If you have no idea for 2 min, choose C and go next
After the Exam
Enjoy some drinks or snacks you love to get relaxed first
Think whether you need to re-take – people generally take two to three times
Try to remember which question type you found the most difficult
Write down what you think you can do better
Share your feeling with good friends or with us!