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Score Guarantee


First ever GMAT trainer in human history that can guarantee your score up to 780.

We will offer your unlimited hours of coaching in one year till you get your targeted score.

Score Guarantee Scheme


Score guarantee can definitely give you more assurance on your return on investment. We are happy (and confident) to provide according to the following Scheme:

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Enrollment Options


There are two ways to enroll in this Score Guarantee Scheme:

  1. Beginning of Personal Coaching - You can ask for our Score Guarantee before our Personal Coaching starts. We will evaluate your potential to score 700+ during the Free Class, and determine whether we can offer you such guarantee. If so, you will pay the above fee according to the score you need our guarantee

  2. Completion of Personal Coaching - You can ask for our Score Guarantee after our Personal Coaching is completed. We will determine whether we can offer you such guarantee. If so, you can just top up, i.e. pay the difference between your coaching fee paid and the fee of Score Guarantee, to enjoy our Guarantee

Free Class

To know more, sign up for our Free Class here.

Terms and Conditions

  • We will evaluate your potential to score 700+ during the Free Class or Personal Coaching to determine whether we will offer you the Score Guarantee

  • The Score Guarantee will be valid for one year, starting from the day we agree to offer you

  • Once you get your guaranteed score or higher in the GMAT exam, our coaching will be stopped

  • In general, coaching hours in each week will not be more than three hours, unless agreed by both parties

  • The five Personalized Coaching Options stated on the page "Personalized Coaching" do not offer any Score Guarantee by themselves. You will enjoy the Score Guarantee after paying the corresponding fee mentioned above

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