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Witty Quotes​

Couple at an Event


GMAT prep is a frustrating experience, let's hear some jokes and make fun of it. Add oil folks!



About GMAT

  • GMAT is a test that nobody wants to take but everyone wants to score high


  • GMAT is something to test your ability you don’t need in an MBA


  • GMAT tests your ability to use something you won’t use in daily life


  • What is the most cunning gang ever in human history? Not Tinder, not mafia, not drug lords, but GMAT    


  • Numbers don’t tell lies but can play tricks. Don’t believe? Try GMAT


  • Who can tell me the correlation between Quant’s prime numbers and my prime career?


  • Why is GMAT never a case study in MBA? Because this combination will overthrow all business theories


  • GMAT is all about logic, but wait, what is the logic to use GMAT to evaluate your ability to do an MBA?


  • If elimination is the best way to get the right answer, the first option to be eliminated must be GMAT


  • GMAT is just the beginning of your Ponzi Scheme in career – you will pay more and more efforts to justify your previous steps


  • Remember 3P of GMAT – Practice, Pitfalls, and… Pray


  • You will never realize how bad your luck can be till you try GMAT


  • Able was I ere I saw GMAT


  • If Shakespeare could take GMAT, he would score V25 only… and quant? He could ask Newton


  • GMAT tutors must be those who are tired of life



About MBA

  • MBA is a walled city, outsiders want to get in, but insiders want to get out


  • Choosing an MBA is a like choosing your partner – choose none, or choose the best to you


  • Many people say MBA is like marriage, once in a life time. But actually not, after your marriage you can still be MBA (Married But Available), but after your MBA you will never do more


  • MBA won’t make your rich. If you want to get rich, better buy stocks or properties


  • You will definitely forget the knowledge you have learnt inside classrooms, but you will never forget the experience you have earned outside classrooms


  • What’s in an MBA? Mingles, Bluffs, Alcohols


  • MBA in reverse order is Absurd Business Model – Why so many buyers fight to pay all their money to make the sellers great? 


  • Don’t say a woman in love of luxury is materialistic, anyone in love of a top MBA is even worse


  • MBA is not a holiday. In a holiday, one day is short but one year is long; In MBA, one day is long but one year is short


  • There are two things that can turn a stone into a diamond – magic and MBA

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