Classroom Training
We are happy to announce that our GMATologist will also hold GMAT classroom training with the HKFTU.
Targeted Students
This training is specifically designed for those working professionals looking for:
• Classroom training
• Beginners to strengthen foundation
• Extremely affordable cost

Course Details
This course will be held every Saturday afternoon in Tsimshatsui:
Length: 8 classes x 3 hours each
Time: 2:15pm to 5:15pm every Saturday
Start Date: 11 Sep 2021
Venue: 2/F May Wah Court, 111-113 Chatham Road, Tsimshatsui
Cost: HKD1,520 only in total
Language: Cantonese, with English slides
Please submit and pay online via the following link of HKFTU:
Course code: KS36054
Alternatively, you can also apply in person at any one of the HKFTU centres in Hong Kong.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any question. Email: